Antigua Processors has state of art production equipment and modern processes to ensure a high product quality.
We rely on our experienced and qualified employees, and an excellent geographic location for the fruit supply. Moreover, the production facility has multiple audits and certifications: FSSC22000, SGF International, Kosher, Halal, Rainforest Alliance and Sedex Smeta 4 pillars. Our environmentally conscious behavior in wastewater treatment characterizes the factory. Antigua Processors is managed from the Böcker headquarters in Germany to manage production, logistics and sales from one single source.


  • Family-owned business with fast decision-making processes 
  • Böcker Group portfolio with almost 500 specifications of processed fruit products
  • Supply chain service with extensive storage capacities and efficient logistics partners in Europe 
  • Strong network for a better service through collaboration with external partners such as laboratories, and customs handling partners. 
  • Clear organizational structure and staff with many years of experience


The products of Antigua Processors and Nkwaleni Processors are distributed worldwide exclusively by the Böcker Group, which is headquartered in Germany.

Our customers are individually supported by our Key Account Team. Many years of experience of the sales team distinguish us.
Our customer‘s needs always prevail.

Our target groups are:
• Bottlers of juices, nectars and other non-alcoholic beverages

• Manufacturers of basic ingredients for sodas, beverages, and ice creams, among other products

• Blending companies

• Baby food manufacturers

• Manufacturers of basic dairy products

• Fruit processors

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