For 35 years, know-how high quality standards and innovative competencies are the prerequisites to fulfill our customers‘ needs.

We have received since then numerous certificates which strengthen our conviction to produce high-quality semi-finished products for the food and beverage industry.


The factory has been upgraded state of the art equipment and has also substantially increased the capacity in the past years:

• low pulp clarifier centrifuge in order to add low pulp juice concentrates to the product range

• local cold store

• The full-fledged workforce is another factor to ensure that the factory has constantly produced concentrates of high quality.

• aspetic filling


Nkwaleni Processors operates according to the high requirements of the Sustainability Initiative South Africa (SIZA) sustainability standard. The non-profit organization supports actors in the agricultural sector in complying with ethical, legal and environmental requirements and enables trade in sustainable goods through certification. SIZA consists of a social and an environmental standard.

We source our raw material from SIZA or Global GAP certified citrus plantations managed by local tribes in the vicinity of our production facility. Here, we want to deepen our cooperation through a planned training program and enable more people to obtain further qualifications.

A wastewater management system is in place.

For more information, please contact our sustainability manager:


Nkwaleni Processors has been audited and certified successfully by different organizations. 


We are FSSC 22000-certified – another milestone for product safety and quality

Our production facility is now certified according to the internationally recognized FSSC 22000 standard. This standard ensures the highest safety and quality requirements along the entire supply chain and is specifically geared towards the food industry.

FSSC 22000 certification is based on the principles of ISO 22000 and includes additional requirements such as compliance with strict hygiene standards, risk management and the monitoring of critical control points. Regular external audits confirm the implementation and further development of these high standards in our production.

The FSSC 22000 certification underlines our commitment to transparency, safety and sustainability – from the raw material to the end product. It is proof that we place the highest demands on our processes in order to meet the expectations of our customers and partners.


We are a member of the Sure-Global-Fair (SGF) initiative, an international organization ensuring product safety and quality. The initiative offers
a voluntary system for companies along the product life cycle from raw material suppliers to traders and bottlers. The SGF certification requires
annual external audits checking production conditions, product quality and compliance with the Code of Business Conduct. We take part in the
Voluntary Control System (VCS) offered by SGF


Our Nkwaleni Processors production facility has held SIZA certification for many years. The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) is a
non-profit organization that helps players in the agricultural sector comply with ethical and environmental requirements. The standard is aligned
with global best practices and is widely accepted. All our citrus suppliers from the Zululand also have SIZA certificates, which proves that the fruit
is grown in compliance with sustainability standards.


Most of our citrus fruit suppliers in Zululand (South Africa) are also certified according to the Global G.A.P Integrated Farm Assurance Standard.
It verifies responsible farming practices in terms of social, environmental, and quality criteria.


Nkwaleni Processors is applying high quality standards in citrus juice and oil production since 1988.

Production condition assures food safety and conformity. Best quality is achieved by long years experience and products conform with legal standards and AIJN Code of Practice.

The quality system is regularly checked and supported by the SGF certification, PAS 220 and regular quality controls.

Nkwaleni Processors owns a state of the art, internal laboratory monitoring all relevant physico-chemical and microbiological parameters by qualified personnel. Full fruit traceability is being guaranteed.

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Böcker Group
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21614 Buxtehude, Germany

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